
LVMDP (Low Voltage Main Distribution Panel) / LVMDB (Low Voltage Main Distribution Board) Panels

Is the Main Distribution Panel of a Factory / Building that divides the electricity obtained from the 400V Stepdown Transformer,

This panel is the Control Center or Main Center for distributing electricity to a factory or building, only after that it is distributed again to small MDP panels in each production room / workspace.

The LVMDP panel consists of:

Circuit Breaker INCOMING (As a Safety and Limiting Source of Incoming received from the Transformer, Can Use Air Circuit Breaker or Molded Case Circuit Breaker, depending on the number of Ampere needed)

Circuit Breaker OUTGOING (As a safety and electricity barrier that will be distributed to various work areas)

Capacitor Bank (For Power Factor Correction)

Change Over Switch (Optional, if there is a generator that can back up when PLN is off, a Change Over Switch Component is needed to switch between PLN and Genset)

Power Meter (there are Analog Needles or Digital use screens, to monitor Volt, Ampere, Watt, kWh, Cosphi electrical system in a factory)

and other accessories as supporting components of this panel such as Busbars, Cables, CT, and so on

There are various brands on offer, such as:

Schneider, Terasaki, LS (ACB & MCCB)

Shizuki, Vishay, Circutor (For Bank Capacitors)

Circutor, Micro (For Digital Meter)

and many more

The panels that we produce are CUSTOM MADE, depending on the needs of each factory or building, just like a computer that you can assemble according to your needs such as wanting to use a certain brand of monitor, certain types and brands of VGA, certain types of processors & brands, mice & Certain brand keyboards, according to your needs and budget.

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